Monday, November 23, 2009

Lecture Two Summary


* What is a computer? Processing information. Comes from 1700’s when calculating mathematical equations, paid people to work out different parts of the equations- then computed the final equation. Computer: Performing mathematical equations.
* The computer has its origins from various adding machines (calculators)
* The first modern calculator: Charles Baggage (do maths, calculate problems) 1800’s
* Early 1900’s- The Turing machine. Used to crack codes of the German military (Alan Turing) Had visions of a very advanced computer- computer intelligence.
* Computers were first commercially produced by IBM in the 1950’s. First were large and expensive machines for the military, government and corporate work (they eventually got simpler, quicker and less expensive).
*Personal computers (early as the 1940’s)
*Xerox Park- early 70’s developed concepts such as the mouse, the graphical user interface and more usable for the general public.
*Apple- Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak developed greatest home-made PC’s. Build a hardware computer and make it available to the public. To develop it further they contacted Bill gates (and so Microsoft was born).
*IBM and Microsoft- Late 70’s early 80’s. These computer manufacturers blossomed. Microsoft innervated by stealing ideas from other people.
*Other smaller operating system was also around at this time- such as UNIX.
*The computers that we use today have a long history of people and personalities that have developed throughout history.


*How old is the internet? Officially born 40 years ago. First created in 1969. Did not become available to the general public until the 80’s.
* Internet and World Wide Web (www) are different, they are not the same thing (as many people may think). The internet is the whole, while the web insa small part of the whole.
*Three men became the Father of the Internet- Vince, John and Steve. In 1966- three computers were the basis for the internet; they got them to talk to each other. In 1969- Map of the internet in America was developed. Called the Arpanet (developed in the 1970’s).
*1971- Email was first developed (has stayed the same, has not changed throughout history)
*1974- TCP/IP developed- set of standards that all computers who want to be on the internet, need to follow. Made them free as other people were charging (such as Microsoft).
*Cyberspace- the way we represent technology, an imaginary world.


*History of internet and computers (discussed in a technological context and will later lead to examining how technologies become media of communications-social context). Understanding how computers and the internet are interrelated and have developed throughout history by different companies and individuals.

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