Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Lecture Four Summary

Summary of Lecture: Community, collaboration and choice. Understanding the themes of free culture and free society

*Understanding copyright: Legal protection of our work. Protects creativity against unauthorised use.

* non-profit organisation that is dedicated to promoting reasonable copyright (makes licenses and tools) free service that outlines the prerequisites for your own copy right (lets other people know exactly what they can use of your work) e.g.- non-commercial, no derivates and share alike.

* Where did the philosophy of the creative commons come from? The free software movement!

* Free/Libre, Open Source Software (FLOSS)

* Sharing open source code is like sharing recipes with your friends (in the computer community, people shared software- the bazaar style!) using proprietary software is like signing an agreement that says you can’t tell your friends how to make nice food!

* Bill Gates went against this in the 70’s and decided to sell his software.

* Richard Stallman started the free software foundation in 1981 (turning copyright with full rights reserved, into relaxing copyright from software). Free open source software is the “gears” of the internet. In 1988 the word free, was changed to open- becoming more attractive to business people (emphasis on open NOT free).

* Free software principles: 0, 1, 2 and 3.

*GNU public license- to enforce the four freedoms of free software (legally binding licence)

* Proprietary (windows, apple) verse Open Software (Firefox, open office)

* Proprietary- closed source (source code is confidential) as staff are paid to develop software.

* Free Software-open source, source code freely available, anyone can see it, use it etc, developed by teams (has a community feel)

* GNU/Linux- an operating system (just like windows etc) and can be used instead of proprietary software.

Community: People who want to share and do good/better things

Collaboration: Working together (not going against copyright)

Choice: Choosing between free software and propriety software- don’t be fooled!!

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