Sunday, November 29, 2009

Lecture Six Summary

Summary of Lecture: Video game studies including arcade games, consol games, hand help consol’s (such as the iphone), computer games, text based games and multiple user online games.
* Video games, like the internet, are related to military use (such as simulators for military training).
* Late 90’s early 00’s when video games became popular and studies “begun” (such as the lasting effect of video games, persistent effect, new form of cultural practice, new form of social media etc.)
*Narratologists- study the narrative of video games (what stories video games tell us) Janet Murray.
* Ludology- Study of games (the game aspects, the play aspects- what attracts us to video games)
* A new form emerging in platform studies- each platform came from a specific time (so therefore cultural impacts). Historically some approach may be lost and platform studies have a lot to teach “up and coming” video game technicians.
*Video games can be seen as a media of communication and expression
* Study of particular designers who become popular and have a “rock star” following.
* Virtual philosophy connected to video games- how are games real and how are games virtual?

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