Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Tutorial Task Eight

Viewing the digital poet Jason Nelson's SecretTechnology.com:

1. This is how you will die slot machine:
I thought this was very interesting piece of artwork/imagery. It told me that I would die in 72 hours and was followed by an amusing storyline. This piece made me think outside the box which I found very interesting! Jason used visual technology to depict his poetry. This piece got me thinking- life is exactly like a slot machine, we never know what we are going to get, especially how we are going to die. I think he played on this (rather ironically) by dipicting the concept of death as a slot machine- different and unpredictable for everyone. This may not be HIS underlying message for this piece, but this was my personal experience.

2. Game, game game and again game:
I really liked this game. The aim was to move your spider-like icon to the door. There are blocks and other things that try to stop this from happening and the aim was to move/jump your icon to avoid these. Trying to avoid these, while reading the random quotes/saying that would pop up (including a home made video), make this game distracting, messy and very abstract. This definitely isn't the "traditional" type of poetry. He used visual, sound and "video game style" techniques to create this piece. Jason said the message was to do with belief systems. As I'm a very logical type of person, I found it difficult to understand this message, yet I found it very entertaining.

3.Between treacherous objects
I found this piece difficult to interpret. It was abstract art combined with abstract poetry. I found this piece very alienating and unreadable (as I mentioned before though, I’m a very logical person!). It had a collage effect- going from 2D to multidimensional. This transition is actually controlled by the mousse, so you are the one in control. Because the screen was constantly moving, I actually found it difficult to read the scattered words

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